Hear it from none other than President Chartrand and Minister Genaille themselves and see how they envision the future for the young Métis community. With a variety of programs that foster leadership and support individualized growth, we bridge the gap between dreams and reality. Let's get started!
As the Minister of Sports and Youth for the Manitoba Métis Federation, it brings me great joy to express my unwavering dedication to the future leaders of the Red River Métis Nation. Our Youth are the heart and soul of our community, and I am privileged to lead a team that is committed to nurturing your growth.
At the Youth Department, our focus is on providing you with the necessary tools and support to succeed in your athletic endeavors and in life. We offer a variety of programs aimed at developing your skills, enhancing your self-confidence, and instilling values such as discipline, hard work, teamwork, and leadership.
I encourage you to explore the programs and opportunities available to you through the Youth Department. Whether you are interested in sports, arts, education, or employment, we have something for everyone. Our Individual Youth Support Program (IYSP) and Believe - Elite Athletic and Artistic Support Program are two examples of the impactful programs we offer.
I am proud of our camps and programs' success and the participation of our Red River Métis Youth. It is a testament that our efforts are recognized and valued by our community. Together, we will continue to promote sports, arts, and cultural learning as powerful ways to strengthen our community, foster inclusivity, and inspire leadership.
Never forget the strength and determination that lies within you as proud Red River Métis Citizens. We believe in you and are here to support your personal, athletic, and artistic growth. Let us work together to create a prosperous future and make a lasting impact.
Ayouth@mmf.mb.ca x204-586-8474
150 Henry Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 0J7
x 204-586-8474 A youth@mmf.mb.ca
Copyright © 2025 MMF Youth Department. All Rights Reserved. | Manitoba Métis Federation